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Amit Goswami
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Center Head
S NO. | Course Code | Course Title | Duration in hours |
1 | RC-172 | Diploma in GIS & Mapping | 120 Hours |
Course Description (GIS & Mapping) Duration: 120hrs
User Interface
- Overview of User Interface.
- Introduction to the User Interface
- Workspaces
- Map Task Pane
- Review of 3D User Interface
Drawing Cleanup
- Overview of Drawing Cleanup
- Drawing Cleanup Concepts
- Select Objects to Clean up
- Cleanup Actions Explained
- Select Cleanup Actions Select Cleanup Methods
- Select and Review Error Markers
- Drawing Cleanup Review
Attribute Data
- Overview of Attribute Data
- Basic Concepts of Attribute Data
- Overview of Object Data
- Concepts of Object Data
- Create an Object Data Table
- Modify an Object Data Table
- Attaching Object Data Records
- View and Edit Object Data
- Generate Object Data Links
- Review of Object Data
- Overview of External Database Links
- Concepts of External Database Links
Attaching a Database
- Introduction to Data View
- Create a Link Template
- Generate Links to Enclosed Text
- Select Objects Linked to Enclosed Text
- Advanced Data View
- Review of External Database Links
- Choosing the Storage Method
- Attribute Data Review
- Coordinate Systems
- Coordinate Systems Overview
- Concepts of Coordinate Systems
- Coordinate Systems
- Assigning and Verifying Coordinate Systems
- Tracking Coordinates
- Geodetic Distance
- Coordinate Systems Review
- Overview of Importing
- Basic Concepts of Importing
- Importing Lines
- Multiple Coordinate Systems
- Import Points
- Import Attribute Data as Object Data
- Import Attribute Data to Linked Database Data
- Review of Importing
- Overview of Exporting
- Exporting Lines
- Exporting Closed Polylines with Object Data
- Export to SDF
- Review of Exporting
Source Drawings
- Overview of Source Drawings
- Concepts of Source Drawings
- Create a Drive Alias
- Attaching Source Drawings
- Quick View Source Drawings
- Deactivating and Detaching Source Drawings
- Review of Source Drawings
- Overview of Queries
- Concepts of Queries
- Introduction to Queries
- Simple Location Queries
- Simple Property Query
- Simple Data Query
- Simple SQL Query
- Compound Query
- Query Library
- Report Query
- Alter Properties Query
- Coordinate Transformations
- Create a New Drawing from Source Drawings
- Review of Queries
- Overview of Save-Back to Source Drawings
- Concepts of Save-Back
- Saving Edits Back to Source Drawings
- Review of Save-Back
Raster Images
- Overview of Raster Images
- Concepts of Raster Images
- Inserting a Raster Image
- Working with Images
- Hide and Unload a Raster Image
- Delete an Image
- Review of Raster Images
Object Classification
- Overview of Object Classification
- Concepts of Object Classification
- Create an Object Class Definition File
- Define Object Classes
- Classify Objects
- Create an Object Class Object
- Review of Object Classification
- Overview of Annotation
- Concepts of Annotation
- Define an Annotation Template
- Insert Annotations
- Edit an Annotation Template, and Update
- Compound Annotations
- Review of Annotation
- Overview of COGO
- COGO Input and Inquiry Concepts
- Inquiry Objects
- COGO Input
- Review of COGO
- Overview of Survey
- Concepts of Survey
- Creating a Survey Datastore and Project
- Importing Points
- Using COGO Tools to Create Points
- Survey Review
- Overview of Topologies
- Concepts of Topology
- Concepts of Network Topology
- Create a Network Topology
- Work with Topology Objects
- Network Topology Analysis Concepts
- Run a Shortest Path Trace
- Effects of Flow Direction and Resistance
- Run a Best Route Analysis
- Run a Flood Trace Analysis
- Concepts of Polygon Topology
- Create a Polygon Topology
- Concepts of Polygon Topology Analysis
- Create a Topology Based on an Analysis
- Create Buffer
- Topology Overlay
- Review of Topologies
Connecting to Feature Sources
- Overview of Connecting to Feature Sources
- Concepts of Feature Sources
- Concepts of Features
- Connect to an SHP Data Store
- Connect to an SDF Data Store
- Concepts of Point Geometry
- Create System DSN
- Connect to an ODBC Database
- Connect to a Raster Image File
- Connect to a DEM File
- Viewing Features
- Review of Connecting to Feature Sources
Working with Feature Sources
- Overview of Working with Feature Sources
- Set Feature Layer Draw Order and Draping
- Using the Data Table
- Create a Filter
- Create a Query
- Query to Add Features
- Data Validation
- Create a Join
- Review of Working with Feature Sources
Feature Styles
- Overview of Feature Styles
- Stylize Polygon Features
- Stylize Line Features
- Stylize Point Features
- Add Zoom Scales
- Create Thematic Rules
- Create a Thematic Map
- Label Features
- Stylize a Raster-Based Surface
- Review of Feature Styles
Create and Edit Features
- Overview of Create and Edit Features
- Concepts of Editing Features
- Edit Feature Attributes
- Edit Feature Geometry
- Create New Features
- Create Features from Geometry
- Delete a Feature
- Saving a Feature Source Drawings
- Review of Create and Edit Features
Split and Merge Features
- Overview of Split and Merge Features
- Concepts of Split and Merge Features
Set Split Rules
- Split Features
- Set Merge Rules
- Merge Features
- Review of Split and Merge Features